Fred Mulder to talk at London Original Print Fair: 'One dealer's stories of the Picasso world'
Printmaking Today features Fred Mulder discussing some of the Picasso prints he will show at the London Original Print Fair 2015, and his memories of fairs past
Hong Kong 'LifeStyle Journal' on Masterpiece 2014 and Frederick Mulder's Picasso 'Minotauromachie' and Matisse 'Jazz'
Art Fairs, Henri Matisse, Matisse 'Jazz', Matisse cut-out, Museum, Original Fine Art Prints, Pablo Picasso, Picasso Ceramics, Press, Picasso Linocuts, Minotauromachie, Suite VollardFrederick Mulder
Save The Date: Frederick Mulder to exhibit at Masterpiece London 2015
New York Times discuss our Matisse and Picasso at the IFPDA Print Fair in New York
New York Times highlights Frederick Mulder's Matisse 'Jazz' at Masterpiece
Artnet selects Matisse 'Jazz' as a Masterpiece highlight
Frederick Mulder Ltd to exhibit at Masterpiece London 2014